Piano University SUCCESS STORIES
WOW, I'm absolutely blown away by all of your success with the lessons!! Over 100 success stories, Great work. If YOU have a success story you'd like to share, I'd love to hear from you. You can share yours here.
"It's been, the most gratifying, and quite honestly life changing experience I've ever had"
"It's always been a goal of mine to play with both hands, and as I play through pieces, it's been exciting to experience that freedom"
"[The finger gauntlet] became my daily routine, it takes no more than 5 minutes per hand and I really love it!"
"[Zach] was the only one who gave me the exact exercises - how to practice, what to do, and I was like 'this was the thing I was looking for'"
"This is actually the best course I've found on the internet so far, I highly recommend it"
"Now after practicing I can do almost all the scales at 90 BPM"
"His methods really work, and it's easy to practice"
"Now I feel like I can REALLY play"

"I played for my friends, and they said it was amazing"
"Because of the Piano Superhuman course my playing speed has increased dramatically"
"I've been using his Play by Ear and Theory and I cannot recommend them highly enough."
"Before the course, I had a lot of trouble getting hands together. I went through the hands coordination lesson and now I'm getting hands together just fine."
"It was the first time Technique really made sense"
"It's easy to understand, and hit helps in a way that's in an orderly fashion, progressively"
"My favorite lesson was learning arpeggio runs. I love the way you can simply mesmerize people, adding that"
"I never would have thought that learning, REALLY learning, something as simple as my scales, and doing so with purpose in mind, could have made such a difference for me"
"Even if you don't have any Music Theory knowledge, everything is explained"
"My progress is coming faster and faster following his program!"
"It really accelerated my piano learning"
"I felt hopeless, I took courses before and I thought 'this isn't for me, this is way too hard', and I quit... then I saw his courses and thought 'I can actually do this' because he goes into depth and actually explains how to do it"
"It's really revolutionized my practice and the results that have come from that"
"After I watched your webinar how to efficiently practice, that was the time when my piano playing SKYROCKETED"
"[Zach] literally helped me undo ALL of the negative programing I was teaching myself"
"Zach breaks down practice sessions so there's no wasted time. Every minute spent practicing is worth half an hour"
"Now I can put on the radio or my iTunes and pick out a song [and play by ear], and it was never as hard as I thought it was going to be"
"I'm a real beginner... and it's really good work. Thank you."
"when I first started using Piano University I had never even touched a keyboard before..."
"I would recommend this course to whoever wants to learn how to play piano, regardless of your age, regardless of your background, it doesn't really matter""
"I can stay up 2, 3 hours at night watching Zach's videos, his motivation is really good"
"At the end of the lesson my instructor... could tell from a week before about how much of a big improvement I made!"

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