Piano University SUCCESS STORIES
WOW, I'm absolutely blown away by all of your success with the lessons!! Over 100 success stories, Great work. If YOU have a success story you'd like to share, I'd love to hear from you. You can share yours here.
"There are concrete steps to follow that increase efficiency and productivity in practice so you don't waste time"
"Before starting the course, I was never able to play by ear. And now after doing these lessons for a few months it's something that I'm starting to learn to be able to do and I love the results that I've been seeing"
"[the lessons] gave me a sweet roadmap of possibilities that those other courses had not been able to give me"
"It got me to a level of being able to hear a chord and be able to play any song someone told me... It's the best course on piano I've found"
"I've seen how fast I can learn piano from you"
"Zach teaches a carefully organized and finely tuned set of exercises and goals. This is what I was missing from all the other teachers over the years up till that point"
"Stuff that I found really difficult beforehand has been really clearly put out, I found it a lot easier"
"Things started to click after only a few days of trying his techniques out. I started feeling like I could play piano"
"As long as you practice... there's no reason you can't learn this all by yourself in the comfort of your own home"
"It was important to me that I learn to play the correct way the first time, so I could learn efficiently and not have to unlearn anything"
"I can do crazy stuff now. I even started some etudes from Chopin!"

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